Contains flow control, messaging, looping, variables, and conditionals.
Sprites are images or shapes that can have momentum and heading direction applied to them for animation and games.
Play and manipulate existing sound files or synthesize new sounds.
Arrays are lists of things. You can add, remove, and loop over these lists.
Booleans are either True or False. There are many operations for comparing and mixing them.
Dates are used to represent a date and to do basic calculations.
Stage is the area where scripts are performed.
There are several ways to specify colors.
Images are pictures loaded from the web. They can be positioned and resized.
In addition to performing math on numbers you can also use many operations on arrays and vectors too.
There are many types of randomness in Waterbear.
Waterbear vectors are x,y coordinates that can be used as points, but also have a direction and magnitude (useful for speed, acceleration, distance).
Objects are general-purpose containers where you can associate names (keys) with objects (values) like in a dictionary.
Strings are simple bits of text. You can search them, combine them, and break them up.
The blocks below are for writing your text to the screen.
Shapes are pictures made by drawing a geometric shape rather than loading an image file.
It turns out to be frequently useful to be able to represent a rectangle.
Programs can get input from the mouse, touch, key presses, and more.
Where in the world is your progam running?
A size captures both width and height in one convenient package.